Dental Exam and X-Rays
Regular dental examinations and cleanings are important to maintain good oral health. Regular brushing and flossing can help control the bacterial layer (plaque) that accumulates on teeth daily. But plaque that is left in place will absorb calcium from the saliva, becoming hard, mineralized deposits called tartar. These tartar deposits require professional removal. Often twice a year is sufficient, but some patients build up tartar deposits more quickly and require dental cleanings 3 or 4 times a year.
Glenda, our hygienist has over 40 years of experience working with patients and helping them with their oral hygiene needs. She will make any needed x-rays or intraoral photographs that are needed. She is able to apply topical fluoride if desired and will assist Dr Bailey with your dental examination. Often patients can benefit from additional instruction in brushing or flossing techniques. She has a wealth of information to share – just ask!
You may expect to see Dr Bailey at each of your dental cleaning appointments. He will evaluate your x-rays and any intraoral photographs while you are here. If you have access to prior x-rays, please have them sent to us before hand so that they can be reviewed. At each examination appointment we look for any new cavities, failing dental restorations, cracked teeth, periodontal disease, TMJ issues, and screen for oral cancer.